You may reschedule your reservation with no additional charge anytime up to 3 hours before your reservation. Any cancellations within 3 hours of the reservation will be unavailable for rescheduling. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.

Changes to reservations can be made from the initial confirmation email. Scroll to the bottom of the confirmation email and click the change/cancel appointment button to make the appropriate adjustments.

Membership cancellations require 30 days notice.


Scheduling On Set Studios includes rental of the STUDIO for the allotted time period. This does NOT include a photographer.

If you are not a photographer, you must have your own photographer scheduled. We recommend scheduling your photographer and having them book the space directly. They may have questions about the space and what’s available, and it’s usually easier if they book directly.

If you need a photographer, contact us and we can recommend a great photographer based on the type of shoot you are wanting.


Pets are more than welcome to join you in the studio. We ask that you bring appropriate cleaning supplies for any messes, supervise your pet appropriately, and promptly notify us of any damages.


You’re more than welcome to bring in any food or drink into the studio. We provide complimentary coffee (via Keurig) and chilled flat and sparkling water. We ask that you follow LA ATC guidelines when it comes to alcohol. Be sure to clean up any spills and remove any leftovers and trash when done.

Personal Property

You may bring your own equipment and props/accessories. Please be sure to keep up with anything you bring and take any personal belongings when you leave. Others may have booked the studio after you, and On Set Studios cannot be responsible for any items left behind.


Please arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to scheduled reservation, and please depart on or before the end of your scheduled reservation time. Be sure to include all setup and clean up time within the amount of time booked. Be sure to inform your clients that the reserved time is firm as another reservation may be immediately following yours, so they will need to be on time to ensure they get the most of your time together.


Access will be provided via the August Lock app on your smart phone or via a personal temporary use access code. Please do not share any access codes with anyone, including your clients. The August Lock tracks all access attempts via app or personal access code usage. Please do not leave clients in studio unsupervised as you are responsible for any damage or theft that may result. Please ensure that door is LOCKED when leaving studio as you are responsible for any damage or theft that may result from the studio being left unsecured.

August Lock instructions: An access request will be texted to you. Download August Lock mobile app using the link in the text. Create an account. Once set up, On Set Studios should appear in your “Keychain” (accessible from “Home” in the menu). Access should be available for your scheduled reservation time. Click on On Set Studios, then tap the RED circle to UNLOCK (will turn GREEN). When leaving, push door and hold to ensure completely closed, and tap the GREEN circle to LOCK (will turn red).


Please leave the studio in the same condition as when you arrived, and please place items back into the same location where you found them. Please clean up any messes made and do not remove any items from the studio. Any messes left uncleaned will result in a cleaning fee of $50-$200 depending on the severity of the mess. Please inform us immediately of any damages so that we can assess and remedy in a timely fashion. Any damages caused by negligence on your part or that of your client will result in repair or replacement charges.


In reserving this space, you relieve On Set Studios, J Michael Photography Co, its owners and employees of any liability for any injury to yourself or your clients and guests, as well as any damage to any equipment or personal property that you bring onto the premises. While we recommend that you have proper business insurance to protect you in these cases (for any shoots you book regardless of location), we do not require that you have any said insurance. However, sole liability for you, your clients and guests, your equipment, and any personal property lies with you while on site. For the safety and liability of all parties, On Set Studios is under 24 hour surveillance.


Street parking is available to the front of the building and around the block. Please note (and inform your clients) that street parking requires payment Monday thru Friday from 8am to 5pm. This may be paid using the ParkMobile app on your smart phone. There is also a pay-per-use parking lot immediately adjacent to the left side of the building which uses a payment kiosk and a pay-per-use parking lot to the right side of the building across Marshall St which uses the ParkMobile app for payment.

ParkMobile app instructions: Download app and create an account. Add your vehicle (including license plate number). To park, select “park” button at bottom, choose the zone where you’re parking (noted on app or signs in vicinity), set the duration of time, choose your vehicle, proceed to checkout, choose payment method, then click “Start Parking.” There will be a countdown timer of time remaining. Zone for front of building on Crockett is 7554, Zone for right side of building on Marshall is 7529, and Zone for parking lot to right of building across Marshall is 22789.